Be Like A Hound To Do Social Media
By Louise Summey of Ellie Productions, LLC
Let me tell you a story about our Basset mix named Hobbes. Hobbes is known as the “mayor” of our street. He likes to take himself out for walks. When he decides to return home from his neighborhood “visits”, he stands out by the street and barks for us to come and escort him inside. Hobbes is a very social Basset – he enjoys being around people. When he gets excited, he barks so loud, everyone within earshot hears him and knows just how excited he is.
Another talent Hobbes has is the ability to sniff out yummy stuff for a Basset to eat. If there’s food around, he’ll know where it is, even if he can’t always get to it. Of course, that ability is inherent in almost any Basset, but Hobbes has raised it to an art form.
So what does all this talk about Hobbes the Basset have to do with social media? I’m glad you asked…
Just like Hobbes, and most other dogs for that matter, we humans are generally very social animals. That’s why social media is such an effective business marketing tool when used correctly.
Being a social media Basset means enjoying the engagement with your social media friends and followers so much, you “howl” with excitement when you’ve found something of value to share. Of course, the social media version of howling is the personal commenting we do on the things we share – the content. That brings me to the second part of being a social media Basset.
The content you would want to share can come in a variety of forms, depending on your area of interest. And, just like Hobbes, the social media Basset has to develop an ability to sniff out good content to share with his social media friends and followers. Good content is content that is relevant to your business and the interests of your social media contacts.
Of course, we all know how effective social media can be as a marketing tool, and we’d love for our business to have a sound social media strategy. The challenge is, unlike Hobbes, many of us don’t really have the time to wander around the internet sniffing out relevant content to share on social media. We already have more than enough to do keeping the other important aspects of our business running smoothly. If that describes your situation, you may want to think about farming your social media marketing out to a professional social media Basset.
Let us share your social media vision though video. Be sure to like us on Facebook.
Louise is the owner of Ellie Productions, LLC. Ellie works with small to medium size businesses to provide video for websites and marketing needs. To see samples of our videos, visit our website .