Beneful Dog Food is Under Fire



Beneful Dog Food is currently under fire. I have personally had a bad experience feeding Chloe this food when she was younger. After almost every meal she would throw up. Sometimes to the point of needing a vet visit to get medicine to relax her stomach. It wasn’t until I started working for Petco that I learned that it was indeed her food that was making her sick. I soon got her started on a more natural food with less fillers. We chose Avoderm at first, but once we got Sasha we switched to Blue Buffalo. Both brands are very good and I highly recommend them. rated Beneful at 3 Stars. The ingredient list leaves a lot to be desired. There are lots of grains (can cause allergy issues), food dyes, and sugar added to the food. You can read the full review here. You can also look up your current food if it isn’t Beneful to see what rating the site gives it.


There was a lawsuit filed last month claiming that Beneful has made dogs sick and in some cases caused them to pass away. You can read more about the case here. Just as we humans strive to make better health choices for ourselves, don’t forget to think about your pets. We can’t always trust the commercials. I encourage you to start researching pet food ingredients and reading their labels as well. If internet searches start to get overwhelming, pay your local Petco a visit. They specialize in pet nutrition. Get your pet on the path to better health this year, you won’t be disappointed!